Right, so this is my first blog, just thought i'd play this out as a test piece to see how itall works out. I decided that since i talked about Shaut Tan so much last year that i'd start by sticking his work in. As well as illustrator, he's done concept work for film and he writes his own short stories. I like the fact that he branches out into other art directions yet keeps his work pretty consistant. He has a real frair for showing narrative through the language of illustration, shown in his book of short stories "Tales From Outa Suburbia", a place where many strange phenomena take place. Each story is unconnected apart from the place where the characters live, and they're accompanied by his amazing work. My favourite work is from the story "Grampa's Story", where he and his future wife need to go on a bit of an adventure to gain the approval of the family (it's a tradition in this suburbia). I emailed his about a year ago asking how his produced his work, and although he's a very busy man, emailed back! This workis produced with gouache and ball point pen, and portrays the great dangers the couple go through via this media, mainly with line and colour! I love it.