So, last Sunday Katie, Paul and I went to The Liverpool Tate Gallery (as did just about everyone in the group we found out after) to see exactly what it had to offer. This was my first time here and although it's the Tate i didn't realise just how big it was when I first walked in. The plan was to check out the Picasso exhibition but in a moment of spontaneouity (is that a word? it is now!) turned left to check out the free half of the gallery.After walking through at least three rooms of conceptual paintings, sculptures and blocks of colour (Yves Klein was on show as well) we entered the final room.
We loved it. It was part of the DLA Piper Series: This is Sculpture, which was talking a look at contemporary scylptures, as were the other rooms we'd seen, but this was from another world! They were all figures, distorted, mashed, exaggerated, isolated, scary-because-they-were-different figures, all selections of 3D works. Not only that, this room was special because it had a silent disco dance floor in the middle. So Paul, Katie and I took our put or complimentary headphones on and boogied on in.

We whittled the work we wanted to use for the next section to just three pieces before making a decision. Here's the first "runner up", Reg Butler, with Girl on a Round Base (1968-1972). It was made with the components bronze, paint, glass and hair. It shows a nude woman stretching on her chair, yet she's contorted and face doesnt seem human-like. I liked it because it seemed futuristic, like she could be what we turn into, and this could eventually be what we would think of as sexy. Upon further research i found that the girl on the base was inspired by Bacon's paintings of reclining figures, so it seems here that Butler is re-imagining a 3D sculpture of what Bacon would have liked to have done himself.