I was extremely reluctant to really look into Tim Burton's work, i think it was because everyone else in the class really like him, and he's just so popular. Yeah, it's a pretty lame reason but i wanted the blog to show a bit of my personality as well as research. So anyway i've decided to include him in my work. I really like the preliminary drawings and concept work that go in before things go to screen, it shows that the sketches don't have to be perfect as long as they get the general idea across. But I also like his distinctive style. Slightly creepy, yet sweet, there is a definite atmosphere put forward. I'll look into him more for sure in the future, since i'm leaning more and more towards the idea of doing set design in the future; working in T.V. and film with an illustrative twist sounds like a good idea. Also when i did my 1984 work last year i was told by a classmate that my work reminded them of Burton, which i really appreciated, it gave me confidence in my project. So it appears if i continue in this direction i'll be making the right decision.