I was looking through a blog i recently started following looking for some inspiration and found lot's of really good work there that i could have written about, but this beer calendar, originally found on the Behance network was the one that I just had to post. First off, i like the intricate drawings. There is a lot going on in every page, all the space is filled and each picture gives off a great atmosphere that responds to the idea of beer being a fun, social drink. However, what really struck me personally is when i looked at the figures, especially in the first picture. I have always had trouble with drawing people right, but i looked at this picture and realised that i obviously have never really been "looking" at how to draw them in the first place. So i used these images as reference to do a few quick sketches of faces myself and already i can see where i've been going wrong. SO on top of all the uni work we're being set at the moment, i think that it is very important to find the time to carry on practice drawing faces as much as possible!